Understanding Alopecia Areata and Innovating Treatment with Scarletred®Vision

Understanding Alopecia Areata and Innovating Treatment with Scarletred®Vision


Alopecia areata, characterized by patchy hair loss, presents a severe mental burden for the affected. Scarletred®Vision can detect and quantify hair loss patches to support medical treatment and disease progression.

Hair loss can manifest in various forms. The most common types of hair loss, diffuse (androgenic) Alopecia and Alopecia areata, present distinct patterns, allowing for differentiation and tailored management strategies. Diffuse alopecia presents as an overall hair thinning of the scalp and accounts for 95% of all alopecia patients. It is very common, affecting 50% of males and 25 % females over the age of 50, due to androgen sensitivity. Although all forms of hair loss can be a burden to the individual, Alopecia areata continues to be a subject of both a medical and a social challenge. This autoimmune condition, characterized by sudden hair loss in well-defined patches, not only affects physical appearance but also causes significant emotional distress.

Revealing the Path: Understanding Alopecia Areata

Alopecia areata (AA) is estimated to affect approximately 2% of the global population, making it one of the most prevalent autoimmune conditions. At its core, AA is an autoimmune disease in which the body's immune system mistakenly attacks hair follicles, resulting in hair loss. This process disrupts the normal hair growth cycle, causing hair to fall out in small, round patches on the scalp, face, and other parts of the body. While the exact cause remains elusive, genetic predisposition and environmental factors such as stress, trauma or infection are believed to play a significant role in its development.

While prevalence rates may vary between regions, studies suggest that the condition transcends geographical boundaries, impacting communities on every continent. The social stigma associated with baldness, particularly among females for whom hair is a symbol of beauty, exacerbates the emotional toll of the condition.

Hair segmentation of alopecia patient via Scarletred®Vision.

Beyond the Surface: Mental Health Struggles for Affected Patients

In addition to physical changes, individuals may experience anxiety, depression, and a loss of confidence in their appearance. The constant fear of judgment and the pressure to hide their condition can lead to social withdrawal and a diminished quality of life. Addressing these psychological challenges is integral to holistic patient care, emphasizing the importance of supportive networks and access to mental health resources.

Navigating Treatment and Research: Current Approaches and Challenges

While there is currently no cure for AA, several treatment options are available to manage symptoms and aim to suppress the autoimmune response to promote hair regrowth. Corticosteroids (injections or oral), topical immunotherapy (e.g., with diphencyprone or squaric acid dibutyl ester), and oral immunosuppressive medications (e.g. JAK inhibitors) are among the therapeutic approaches used. Also Phototherapy, namely psoralen plus ultraviolet A (PUVA) therapy, may also be used to target immune cells in the skin and stimulate hair regrowth. Currently, the role of various cytokines is being investigated, as interleukin-15 (IL-15) and IL-17 are among the elevated parameters in AA patients and may be used as targets for future therapeutics. However, treatment efficacy varies among individuals, and relapse is common, highlighting the need for personalized approaches and ongoing research.

Assessment and quantification of hair thinning and hair loss on our platform Scarletred®Vision.

Pioneering Solutions: Scarletred®Vision Redefines Assessment and Treatment

In this era of innovation, Scarletred®Vision offers a solution for both patients and clinicians. With its CE-certified Class 1m medical device software, Scarletred®Vision is revolutionizing the way AA is evaluated  and treated. By providing objective, high-quality images and data, this cutting-edge technology enables healthcare professionals to track disease progression, assess treatment response, and tailor interventions to individual needs. Currently, medical professionals assess the severity of AA lesions by using the Severity of Alopecia Tool score (SALT score) to determine the percentage of hair loss in the scalp ( a higher score indicates increasing hair loss). By using the electronic patient-reported outcomes (ePROs) and questionnaires, our mobile app can track the Quality of Life (QoL) outcomes to further the mental treatment, as well as the SALT score to track treatment progression. Our software uses artificial intelligence for hair segmentation to provide quantified data about hair loss.

Scarletred®Vision empowers patients to take an active role in their treatment journey, fostering transparency and collaboration between patients and healthcare providers. Through its user-friendly interface and advanced analytics, it not only streamlines clinical workflows but also enhances the overall patient experience. By bridging the gap between research and clinical practice, Scarletred®Vision accelerates progress towards improved outcomes.

Alopecia areata is more than just a dermatological condition—it is a multifaceted challenge that extends beyond the realm of medicine. By addressing the stigma surrounding hair loss, prioritizing mental health support, advancing treatment options, and investing in research, we can pave the way for a brighter future for those affected by this condition. With Scarletred®Vision at the forefront, we are not only revolutionizing the way we approach alopecia areata but also reshaping the narrative surrounding it—one image, one data point at a time.

Curious about more? Contact us via Office Scarletred to start your journey with Scarletred®Vision today.


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